Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Step 4: Surround yourself with Inspirational People

There is no better feeling in the world than being surrounded by people who make you feel good.  Kind words, smiling faces and emotional support can do wonders for a bad mood, a crappy attitude or a stressful situation.  What is even more amazing is that these inspirational people can be found right beside you or even online.

I've learned to surround myself with people I admire, who I respect and who I can learn a lot from. On top of my personal and professional relationships I've worked hard to expand my social circle.  My lifestyle change has not only given me a healthier body and mind, I've found a group of like minded people who push me and support me all day long, seven days a week.  Between time spent at Bootcamp and friendships via social media, I know a mood changer or inspiration is a smile or post away.  I've also developed a wonderful group of professional supports via social media as well.  I look forward to the things I learn, the interactions I have and the new friends I have made over the past few years.  

One of the best pieces of advice I can give anyone is simply to surround yourself with people who make you feel good and inspire you to be a better person.  Give back by spending time encouraging and appreciating those around you too, pay attention to how it makes you feel...I bet you will be amazed by how such a small thing can change your world for the better. 

What can you do to become that person who inspires someone else?

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Step 3: Listen to your Body

Even as I sit here beginning to type this, I'm embarrassed to admit that I struggle with this step!  After a wonderful run a week ago, I'm still feeling the effects of my bad decision making.  I went too far, unprepared and stubborn.  Then, to make mattes worse, instead of admitting I made a mistake, I went hard the next day to try and work out the kinks and pain I was dealing with.  

I'm always wanting more from myself.  I want to run further, last longer, try harder. I'm never fully satisfied with my accomplishments.  I have flaws!  Unfortunately it has taken a few days of cutting back, of listening to my achy body and to admitting my mistakes before I'm ready to accept the fact that listening to my body is one of the most important things I need to do.

I have big dreams, good goals and a long time to work on them.  I need to constantly remind myself that I can't accomplish any of them if I don't reward my hard work with relaxation, water and sleep!  That being said...I look forward to taking tomorrow off, to mediate, to hydrate, to spend with myself, my ice pack, a good book and the couch!  

I'm pretty sure I may need to be reminded of this step quite frequently.  Feel free to inquire about, and if necessary, to criticize my faults in this area as needed.  If you ask me how I feel and I deny or get defensive, chances are I'm guilty...I'm also smart enough to know this is the case!   Despite my apparent anger or frustration, I will secretly be thanking you for your concern and the reminder to listen to my body.  

I'm heading into the least active week I have had in a long time.  I look forward to coming back stronger and more determined then ever.  Given a chance to refresh, refocus and listen to your body...what are you going to do to make you a better version of yourself?

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Step 2: Do What You Enjoy

There is nothing better than finding time to spend on an activity that you enjoy.  Activities may vary based on your mood, the season or your current interests.  Over the years I have spent my "free time" in many different ways, reading, scrapbooking, card making, crocheting, playing board games, and surfing the internet.  In the last couple of years, if I'm handed a few hours of free time, you will most likely find me golfing, doing yoga or attempting a run.  

On Sunday, the weather was beautiful!  The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect and the afternoon was free.  From the moment I woke up, I couldn't wait to head out, just me and my tunes for an hour on the road.  I left home with the intention simply of spending an hour outside, running or walking, the day was simply about enjoying the changing trees and the music.  Approaching the turn for home I decided the day was simply too good to waste, so I headed out on a route I knew was at least another hour.  I ran, I walked, I stretched, I sang, I simply enjoyed being alone.  Eighteen kilometres later I arrived back home, a smiling, energized person.  Although the running may have taken a physical toll on my body, my mental state was amazing.  

Days later, reflecting back on my amazing Sunday afternoon is enough to make me smile and feel refreshed, despite the fact it still hurts to walk! This is proof to myself that a satisfied mental state is just as important as a fit physical body.  Given the day to do over, I'd make the same decision again.  Time spent doing what makes you feel good is never time wasted!

What would you do today if you had a couple hours to spare?

Monday, 4 November 2013

Step 1: Keep a Journal

It is Day 1 of my "Putting it All Together" challenge.  I've pre planned my day.  I know who has to be where, when they need to be there, I know what I'm cooking for dinner and I've included time for family fitness and fun.  Overall, despite being sore from my 18km run/walk I attempted yesterday, my day has been a success.  I do however owe a lot of my organization and success to technology.  My life is embedded with technology.  My phone and iPad are never far from reach and I have to give credit to these devices for the majority of positive changes in my life in the past few years. One of the most important things I've done with my technology is to change my habits and improve my life.  The best way I've gone about all the changes is simply to write things down.  I track my to do list, my moods, my goals, my finances and my fitness and my food intake.

Today I want to promote the act of keeping a  food journal.  Without my journal, I consume many unnecessary calories, especially when stressed, emotional or just plain bored.  There are lots of great applications on the market, however, pen and paper are good options too!   No matter what your method is, I guarantee that simply writing down everything you put in your mouth with make you second guess that 4th mini chocolate bar you slip in your mouth!  Try it even for a couple days, write down everything you eat, and if possible, make a note about how you felt during the day so later you can recognize patterns in your eating habits.

Aside from the food, and moods, is there any other important notes you should make in your journal?

Your Body Keeps An Accurate Journal

Sunday, 3 November 2013

A Year full of Challenges

Wow!  It appears as if it has been a long time since I've had time to get my thoughts down!  That doesn't mean it hasn't been a constant thought every night before bed.  I've contemplated where I wanted my thoughts to take me...what else I thought I had to share. I have officially come to the conclusion that as usual, sometimes I tend to over think things.

I have spent a lot of time this year involved in various challenges.  My winter healthier eating challenge, the spring meditation challenge, the spring gratitude challenge, the pre summer blogging challenge, the summer stress reducer challenge, the fall 10K challenge, the fall healthier eating challenge.  I guess my point is, that in the last 10 months I've successfully completed a lot of awesome programs that have given me proof that I am capable of a lot of things.

I'm ready to amp the end of the year up a bit now.  I have enrolled again in a meditation program, I am busier than ever in a physical sense, my healthy eating is getting better, I look forward to blogging more and heading into the Christmas season is the best time of the year to practice gratitude!  As a result, I'm going to take all of the wonderful things I learned and tried this year and I'm going to spend the next 2 months being the best that I can be.

I'm sure trying to embed these healthy living practices into my life may be difficult but I can't think of a better way to ring in the new year.  I'm happy to have others join in my journey, choose the parts you want and spend the next couple months reflecting and sharing the positive changes you are guaranteed to see!

Saturday, 31 August 2013

The world is full of many people

Sometimes it is hard to balance others in our busy lives.  We have our family, we have friends from the past, friends from the present and people you could see yourself spending time with in the future.  Sometimes, the only thing I feel that is lacking is quality time to spend with any of them!

The demands on our time is sometimes so overwhelming that I want to crawl in bed and go to sleep instead of trying to figure out how to fit everyone in.  Tie in demands on time with work and activities and stress level tends to jump thru the roof.  I'm working on changing my stress into gratitude, being thankful for the wonderful relationships I have with everyone I'm lucky enough to care about.  

So to all of you I spend my time with, please know you mean a lot to me, my life is richer with you in it, even if our time together is limited :)   Also beware...I may be hounding you to spend more time with me, something I don't often do because I know everyone else leads busy lives too.  You won't hurt my feelings if the timing just isn't right, just walk away knowing that if I asked you, it must be because I value your time and involvement in my life.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Who Am I?

I've spent a month enjoying life.  Doing things I want to do, some days doing nothing at all.  Health and happiness were the top priority and stress for the most part non existent.  The month at a much slower pace than our family is used to has given me a chance to reflect and renew my goals for the rest of the year.  Step set the stage for my goals, I have to know who I am.

I've realized that...

I am unique.
I am caring.
I am stubborn.
I am competitive.
I am controlling.
I am open to change.
I am reflective.
I am easily distracted.
I am full of good intentions.
I am judgemental.
I am weak.
I am strong.
I am kind.
I am helpful.
I am quick to act.
I am sensitive.
I am shy.
I am impatient.
I am eager to please.
I am a leader.
I am influenced by others.
I am clearly in conflict with myself!
I am still becoming who I am!

Looks like I have some work to do and like my's going to be an uphill challenge...or is it? Perception is everything :)  Do you know who you are?

Friday, 2 August 2013

Reflections of a Busy Month

It has been a month since I've had a chance to share my thoughts.  A month full of stress, relaxation and many opportunities to reflect.  Every bit of downtime I had to focus on a post left me wondering where to focus my thoughts, the result was to back off completely.

Just as "June" taught me many things, good ole "July" was a month of reminders.  I was reminded that stress does not do my body well, teaching summer school, feeling like the days are not long enough and there was not enough time to accomplish all I needed to do caused me to eat, be grouchy and not take time to appreciate my surroundings.  I had flashbacks to the days when health and fitness were not a top 5 priority for me, and my body sent me clear messages it doesn't enjoy a poor diet, less exercise and a lack of sleep.

My family, although understanding were also placed on the back burner.  Although well intentioned, my crazy schedule did not make our days the most pleasant.  It took a couple days away from technology to help us reconnect and enjoy the time we had together.

"July" has once again reminded me that my choice to focus on me, my health, my family and my lifestyle over the past couple years has been the right one!

I'm still continuing to simplify my life, choosing quality over quantity in many aspects, doing things I enjoy as much as I can, and focusing on the wonderful opportunities I have available to me.  I'm looking forward to a month to do just that before the fall schedule sets in.

Here's to hoping I can find time for all the important people in my life, continued improvement in health and fitness and opportunities to continue learning and exploring topics of interest to me....up first, a weekend with friends and family to do just that!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

What "June" has Taught Me

 As a mother, a teacher, a coach and a volunteer, with a life on the side, the month of "June" was, as usual, the craziest time of the year.  Every year, "June" teaches me many things.

"June" reminds me that I have an amazing family that puts up with my craziness, busy schedule and insane mood swings, for that I am grateful. 

 "June" reminds me that I have a wonderful friends and co workers who I truly enjoy spending time with, for that I am grateful. 

 "June" reminds me that I am blessed to have a wonderful job, complete with tasks I love, such as celebrations, explorations and opportunities to help others and change lives, for that I am grateful.  

"June" reminds me that I'm lucky to be active and able to participate in many interests, sports and activities I enjoy, for that I am grateful.

"June" reminds me I live in a beautiful country, complete with wonderful opportunities, for that I am grateful.

"June" reminds me I have strengths, such as organization skills, the ability to help others and the ability to multi-task, for that I am grateful.

"June" also reminds me that I am human. I have my faults, sometimes I try to hard, do too much and don't think before I act.  For the reminder I can improve, I am grateful.

I think it's safe to say, without "June" I wouldn't have as clear of a picture of who I am, what I'm not, and where I need to be.  

Everyone has something that makes you reflect on yourself.  What is your "June"?  

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Achieving a Goal

No matter what kind of goal I set for myself, I'm never truly happy when I achieve it.  I seem to live my life always wanting more!

When I started running I wanted to be able to run 5k straight, the day I finally did it I complained about how long it took.  I set my next goal within five minutes of celebrating my accomplishment and the joy of my success was quickly replaced by my new desire to improve my time.  Since then I've changed my goals and adjusted my times more than half a dozen times.

Last year I decided I needed to shave 10 shots off my average in golf by the end of the season, I managed to do that on a consistent basis and ended the season proud of my accomplishments, but wanting more.  This year I've improved even more and have become more consistent.  My goal for this year was to break 45 on 9 holes.  I've been close a few times but my nerves gave kicked in and my mental game has been affected.  Today, heading into the last par 3 I was sitting at 38...the pressure was huge, and I struggled a bit but I walked away with a game of my life!  Crazy me...all I could think about were the 5 obvious bad hits and missed putts...I could have shot under 40!

My new be happy and celebrate when I actually hit my targets and achieve my goals.   Little things in life are worth celebrating...there is always tomorrow to set in place a new plan of attack!  So for now, I'm going to bed with a smile on my face and a pat on my back for all the awesome things I've accomplished this year already :)

What have you done lately that should make you proud?

Monday, 17 June 2013

Listen to the Message

Lately I have worked hard to keep busy.  Being active on a daily basis.  I look forward to all of the activities I participate in and feel guilty if I don't do at least two things everyday.  I justify my crazy behaviour by the fact that I love to do many different things and I never stress my body by doing the same thing multiple days in a row.

As scheduled and planned as I like my life to be, sometimes fitting everything in is very difficult.  I love when life happens for me and makes my decisions much easier.  Yesterday I felt guilty for not doing anything active all day, I enjoyed time with family and a little bit of relaxation.  I was just about to head to bed, disappointed in my lack of motivation to go out and run, when I got a text asking me to go for a walk.  Not only did I get an hour of exercise in after all, I had a wonderful chat with a great friend.

Today was the opposite.  I had a wonderful, active start to the morning and had plans to finish the night with either a game of golf, a yoga class or a run.  An impromptu 15 minute nap robbed me of the chance to make the yoga class, and a beautiful storm rolled in wrecking my backup golf plan!  Just when I thought things were good, and a run was a good idea before bed, another storm rolled in.

I think maybe that was natures way of telling me to take it easy!  Sometimes there is nothing better than when  decisions are made for you...looks like I may make my early bedtime after all!!  Bonus, aside from a healthy active lifestyle, a good night sleep may just help improve my mood!

I'm a strong believer that things happen for a reason...big or small...insignificant or happens, listen to the messages sent your way.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Perfecting the Art of Relaxation

I think I have found my biggest challenge in life...the Art of Relaxation.  I'm wired to go 24/7...if I'm not busy doing something, I'm busy thinking about stuff I should be doing.  Those who know me, know I don't sit still well and it is virtually impossible for me to do nothing.  

I'm not sure if my problem is genetic, environmental or learned, but I do know that my inability to focus on one task has actually improved my life in some areas.  My husband my argue that my tendency to never sit still, or let him sit still without questioning him is a problem, he would also admit that it helps us get a lot of stuff done in short periods of time.

My desk is a mess, my interests at work are wide ranging and my desire to help others keeps me on my toes.  I love to be in the know, to learn as much as I can, and to assist in any way possible.  I'm never afraid to take on a new task, to encourage others to get involved and to push past limits that I don't want to admit exist.  My inability to relax at work makes my days fly by, for the most part in an enjoyable fashion.

Never being able to sit still means that while we are cooking dinner, I'm also cleaning the house, doing the laundry and planning the month ahead.  When we actually do get to sit down to watch a couple hours of television every week or so, I spend the time researching online, being crafty or writing blogs.  I can't think of the last time I actually sat through a movie without being engaged in another task. Of all the technology in my house, I have to say my television is the thing I could live without!

My new found love of activity tends to take up a lot of my time, but I still manage to work many aspects into my activities.  I use my time at golf, bootcamp and volleyball to socialize.  I have some of the best conversations with a good friend when we are out walking.  I use my running and bike riding time to enjoy  music and to think.  Some of my best ideas, dreams and goal setting happen when I'm busy working out.  The best way to spend time with my family is being active, playing baseball, swimming, bike riding and enjoying time together.

My evening bedtime rituals are also usually multi tasked.  I spend half an hour before bed in a combination of surfing the internet, catching up on my emails and attempting to read.  I never seem to be able to find enough time in the day to get it all done.

In the last couple months I think I may have found a way to calm my mind, to focus on the now and to begin perfecting the Art of Relaxation.  My experience with meditation, and my new found enjoyment of yoga has taught me how to focus my mind, to slow down my body, and to enjoy the moment.  I'm looking forward to continuing this new practice...I just need to figure out a way to fit it all in!

The best thing I have learned about myself based on my lack of ability to sit still, is that I love to be involved. I am the happiest, the most relaxed and in touch with other people when I have the chance to be as busy as I want.  Next time you see me, running around like a chicken with my head cut off, realize I'm actually in my element and actually wouldn't want it any other way!

For me, perfecting the Art of Relaxation simply means finding a way to fit everything I love into my life...making sure I have a smile on my face while I'm doing it.  What does the Art of Relaxation look like for you?

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Be an Inspiration

Have you ever been in a position where nothing you feel you can do is right?  When it seems like the stars have aligned against you in every way possible?  Have you ever felt like you are totally alone in the world?

No doubt that at some point in life, everyone has felt this way.  Whether it was a small issue that brought you down for a short period of time, or a life changing event that felt like it would never change, the feeling of being alone and tiny in a big world can be a game changer.

Have you ever looked around and wished you had it "as good" as others?  Have you wished for their luck in careers, finances or life in general?  Has watching someone else's "perfect" life happen in front of you made you dislike the person for a period of time?

How is it that when faced with conflict, issues or problems we can't seem to accept that in the moment maybe we are getting exactly what we have set ourselves up for, or the problem we deserved based on our actions?  It is way easier be jealous, to place blame or even hate others for the things we lack and the decisions that we make.

If the mirror could be reversed, it would be astounding the number of people who perceive you in the same way.  They are jealous of your positive qualities, perceive that luck is on your side and wish that for a period of time their life was as perfect as yours.

It is perfectly fine to have a life that appears envious, to project a sense of confidence and happiness.  An important thing to remember is that at times, life gets everyone down.  Next time you find yourself judging someone else, and projecting your unhappiness or displeasure with their successes, remember that life isn't easy.  Even the most perfect people have issues they are dealing with.  Chances are, if you took a few seconds to look behind you, someone is hanging in your shadow judging you in the same way.

Next time jealousy takes a step into your life, make a change.  It doesn't make sense to be jealous of what you don't know.  If you admire the life someone else leads, simply change your attitude and behaviour to mimic them.  Be an inspiration...push through the tough, admire your accomplishments and project your happiness onto others.  Not only will you feel better, that person in your shadow may learn something too!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Step outside your Comfort Zone

All too often we get stuck in ruts.  We get comfortable with who we are, what we do and how we spend our time.  Without challenges or changes our lives become boring and our attitudes usually reflect our displeasure.  Sometimes we don't even realize we have issues until someone comments on your behaviours or your lack of interest.

I  have promised myself over the last few years that I won't back down from a matter how crazy or time consuming it may be.  In order to figure out who I am and what I like I had to start doing things differently.  It sounds crazy but every few weeks I like to shake things up.  Whether the shake up is simply reading a different type of book, watching a movie I don't think I will like, or trying an activity I have never done, I have rarely been disappointed!

In the last few years I have really started experimenting with food too.  I vowed that I would never turn anything down, I don't have to like it, just try it.  The result...a whole new world for me, full of amazing tastes and healthier choices that have added to my change.  I don't know how it has happened but I now love things I used to is amazing what an open mind can do.

I have had the opportunity to travel a lot in the past few years as well and I never turn down a chance to see something new.  I have a new found desire to travel everywhere and my travel wishlist is starting to become overwhelming.  In an ideal world I would win the lottery and simply spend time in various places of the world.  Travelling, no matter how far we go, has reminded me just how amazing and enormous the world really is.  It reminds me that in the whole scheme of life I am a minor, almost insignificant piece.

Saying yes to new challenges and activities has also shown me how small the world is.  Everywhere I go, everything I do I manage to meet people who share similar interests, who know people I know.  It is absolutely amazing to be far from home and meet someone who has a connection to your personal community or interests.

My world has changed for the better.  Interesting opportunities, a healthier lifestyle and growing sense of who I am...all a result of taking that step outside my comfort zone!  What would you try today that just may change your life?

Monday, 10 June 2013

Simplify your Life

For most of my life, I have done what I thought I needed to do.  My actions, my thoughts and my feelings were all a direct result of other people in my life.  I have started to change my views on life, become honest about my interests and focus on a life that makes me happy.  This process has been lengthy, and not an easy one!

It has taken me many years but I have finally learned to say the word NO.  I have learned that it is ok to not be involved in activities that don't truly make you happy, that don't align with plans you have for yourself.  It is better to be true to yourself and unique!

I have also spent most of my life accumulating stuff I don't need.  Earlier this year when the basement flooded it also gave me a chance to simplify my life in a physical aspect.  I eliminated a lot of  'stuff' from my life and noticed a lighter feeling after it was removed from my home.  I don't feel the need to have what everyone else has any more, to do what everyone else is doing, or to value what others value.

I am my own person...I'm going to celebrate being strange and weird as that may be!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Being Proactive...Imagine That!

After 16 years of struggling with Crohn's disease, chronic pain and side effects of having my intestine removed I was unlucky enough to have both my family doctor and my specialist retire in the same year.  Unsure of what to do and how this was going to affect my treatment or future issues, I searched out a new doctor.  Based on a bad track record for health, my expectations were not exactly at their highest.  

I was so excited the first time I met my new doctor and he told me he needed to get his own picture of my health as opposed to reading records and basing our decisions on past knowledge.  After a few years of inconsistent treatment for my ailments, lack of iron stores and frustration with my lack of good health, I found someone who wanted to make things better.

Timing of this meeting couldn't be better.  After a few diagnostic tests and just a few months into my new found addiction to being active, my new doctor agreed to fix me up.  Frequent iron treatments, paired with my healthy eating and addiction to activity have given me more energy and happiness than I have had in years.  In fact, until the last year,  I can't ever remember being able to stay awake all day, or to have energy to do what ever I want, whenever I want.

Thanks to stable blood levels, improved health and a noticeable increase in happiness, I am now the best I have ever been.  Being proactive, a new concept for me in the last year is absolutely amazing.  I'm learning to take this concept and apply it to other areas of my life. My new theory simply questions how is it possible to complain about anything if you haven't taken steps to ensure problems and issues don't arise in the first place?

What could you do to improve your life, simply by being proactive instead of reactive?

Golf...It's more than just a Game.

When Darren and I started dating he attempted to get me interested in the game of golf.  I enjoyed our afternoons on the course, but from the start the game was a love, hate relationship.  Even back in the day, one good shot outshone the thirty bad ones.

As the years have gone on, we have increased the frequency of our golf games and as a result I have noticed much improvement in my game.  My improved scores are a direct result of lots of practice, improved patience and the need for self improvement that takes over when I step on the course.

We decided to involve our kids in the game of golf right from the time they could walk.  For the last two years we have golfed on average of 4 days a week. We hope to continue this tradition we have with the kids for many years to come and are very grateful for the staff at the course who welcome our kids and encourage them every time they see them.

For our family, the game of golf is not just a way to spend time together.  We have noticed that  both of the kids have more respect, self confidence and patience then other children their age.  They enjoy challenges we put before them and are competitive with themselves and their improvement on a regular basis.  Although our focus is not to create a pair of golfing super stars, the kids have naturally become good at the game!

Sometimes finding ways to teach our children how to be confident, respectful members of society is difficult. We got lucky...Golf is helping us do just that!

Friday, 7 June 2013

A Life Worth Living

Life can pull you in many directions.  Goals and dreams are great to have, but sometimes reality tends to get in the way.  Choices we make can affect how we get involved in our own life, and the lives of those closest to us.  Expectations that others have for you sometimes make us choose paths we are not completely comfortable taking.

All too often, when the path is muddy or unclear, the pressure and stress we feel can overwhelm us.  This stress can affect our health and more importantly our happiness.  Anyone who has ever been encouraged to do things they we not comfortable with or to be involved in activities that they don't truly enjoy will be able to relate to the heavy feelings and general unhappiness that goes along with it.  

Not that long ago, a wise friend reminded me that it was, in fact, ok to be happy.  It is acceptable to be completely  satisfied with how our lives are progressing and how the events that are unfolding, despite anyone else's opinions or beliefs. We don't always need to feel like we must impress others, involve ourselves in everything and as a result pass by the happiness that simplicity can bring.

I'm beginning to realize that the key to my happiness is simply doing things that make me happy!  Finding my interests, setting my own goals and not caring how unrealistic  or crazy they may seem to others is my new priority.  It is ok to have a successful career, a life full of great friends, and an amazing family.  It is also acceptable to be overly accommodating, obsessive compulsive, health obsessed and a tad bit wacky.  Without these traits I don't think I could continue my path down this crazy road called life, on track to a life worth living.  

Be your biggest fan, the world is full people who want to bring you down to validate themselves.  Just remember, anyone who works to bring you down is simply rock on your path.  Keep on walking and tell yourself "It is great to be me...I deserve to be happy!"  What would you do to be happy if the opinions of others were not a concern? 


Clearly not Perfect

Inspired by my early morning realization that I hadn't scheduled a post to be released in time for not one, but two days, I decided to remind myself that no one is perfect!  Overcoming fears, manipulating setbacks and admitting your faults are great first steps to rectify things gone wrong.

Any challenge you set in your path is bound to be delayed or at risk at some point.  Choose to dust yourself off, jump back in and attack the goal again.

As disappointed I am I missed two days in my challenge, I'm going to overcome by doubling up my posts and reflecting on the wonderful evening I spent in the moment, with my son, at the golf course.

Learn from your setbacks, live in the moment and set your plan back in motion.  How do you react when your plans fall off track?

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Define your Dreams

Everyone has dreams, things they wish they could do and places they want to visit.  Dreams can be anything, simple to achieve, possible to happen with effort, or completely unrealistic.  The difference between who carries these dreams throughout their life and those who actually see their dreams come true is simply taking those dreams and putting them into motion.

A couple years ago I started to assemble my Vision Board.  A picture display of the things I wanted out of life.  I decided to focus on 5 areas of my life that were most important to me at that time.  I chose to focus on Family, Health, Financial, Travel and Career.  I began collecting pictures and statements that meant things to me in each area. I then arranged the pictures in a 11 x 14 frame.  I grouped my most important goal of Family in the middle, and circled the other 4 important areas around the outside.  Once I had all of my pictures on, and all the space filled and the paper framed I hung it beside my bed where I look at it multiple times a day.

Some of the dreams I have on my Vision Board were simple, like drinking water, continuing boot camp and focusing on my family.  Others are dreams I hope to see in the near future, like a nicer body, more career opportunities and improved health.  I also included goals and dreams I have for 20 years down the road, like places to travel, a mortgage free life.   Staring at this board everyday reminds me of what is important, it keeps me motivated and every time I accomplish one of the dreams/goals on my vision board I am reaffirmed that the focus is working.

Although I don't see the  need to re create my board in the immediate future, I do re evaluate my goals at least every 6 months.  For those dreams I have realized I check them off and fill them in with something new.   For the goals that haven't been achieved, I alter them and make suggestions that put myself on track to completion.  Ever since I have hung my board beside my bed I feel a little bit more on track, a little more organized and like I may actually have control over my life!

If you are interested in putting a focus into your life, to examine what is important to you and to set your future in motion according to your desires, then take some time to check out one or two of the  Vision Board articles on the Internet. The idea is quite simple and you will be amazed how quickly you will see your dreams come true.

Start today.  What defines you?  What do you want to accomplish?  What would you do with your life if the sky was the limit?

Monday, 3 June 2013

Music...Feel it!

There is nothing worse than a bad mood that won't pass, a crappy attitude that follows you through the day or an overwhelming feeling of sadness.  When life has you down there is no easier way to shift the mood then with the right music.

I've used music for most of my life to shove my emotions into, and to sing my issues away.   A solid playlist can take anger down to a simmer, a crappy attitude to optimism and sadness to a sense of peace.  I currently have a few playlists on my phone exactly for that reason.  When I'm angry the list includes songs that verify my anger and slowly simmer me down to a sense of calmness.  When I'm sad the songs allow me to belt out my sadness and work my way up to upbeat happy songs.  When I'm lazy, the playlist provides me upbeat, dance along kind of songs to get me rejuvenated and happy.

One of the best things we have worked hard to incorporate into the kids lives is an appreciation of music.  The kids beg for the music to be louder, they both love to sing and dance.  In fact, I've learned over time that I shouldn't attempt to wake my children up in the morning.  All I really need to do is get up, crank the party tunes and hit the shower.  By the time I'm out of the shower the kids are up, getting dressed and dancing.  We don't fight in the morning, we dance our way to the kitchen for breakfast and hit the morning with happiness!

Music and my children are two things that can always bring me out of a bad mood.  The best thing is when the two combine and teach me something important.  I'm suggesting the next time you are feeling down and out, blast the tunes and take a page out of Maddux's book...Sing and Dance Like No One is Watching!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Build a Better You

In a society filled with self improvement products, beauty enhancements and fad diets, it is no wonder that most women have self confidence issues.  On a daily basis we are bombarded by advertisements detailing all the parts of our bodies we should hate...our hair, our skin, the shape of our body, our breast size, our fact, based on the messages, there isn't a part of our bodies we shouldn't attempt to fix!

As if this message wasn't bad enough, many times, time spent with others is a constant reminder that we are full of imperfections.  Diet discussions, comparing exercise routines and sharing beauty tips and tricks may seem innocent enough, but all to often these just serve as a reminder that we need to change.  These common topics leave us feeling like we haven't done enough, or that changing habits and behaviours are helpless.

Along my journey I have tried very hard to keep a positive attitude and to be proud of my successes.  It is very frustrating that even when I reach a goal, it never truly makes me happy, I always want more! I went from a women who wanted to lose a few pounds and feel healthier, to an exercise addict who expects change on a constant basis.  I went from reading magazines that promote weight loss for the lazy to health magazines for women who are looking to work hard to change their shape.  The most frustrating part of this for me was opening these "health magazines" with pictures of physically fit, health conscious women and seeing advertisements beside them for performance enhances, supplements and fads for the fit.  What kind of message is being sent?  

As a teacher, I really wish I could teach a self confidence class to teenagers.  A class that focuses on individual beauty, a class that teaches girls how to place an emphasis on their best qualities, a class that teaches girls it is amazing to be unique.  Imagine your life today if someone taught you how to be confident and full of self love.  Imagine if the only person you compared yourself to was the you from yesterday!

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Run Like the Wind...or without getting Winded.

When I was a kid I was envious of all the other kids that could run around the playground for hours on end.  Twenty five steps and I was was out, severely winded and with legs that felt like jelly.

When I was in grade 5 I remember signing up to run the 1500m, only two of us attempted it.  I was proud of myself for even putting myself out there even though I had to run/walk the entire way.  In Grade 7 and 8 the 12-minute mile was a love/hate relationship.  I would run slowly at the back of the class, happy to be moving my legs steadily one in front of the other, until I was lapped by the speed demons, the kids who not only could run forever, but fast too!  Although by high school I no longer had to perform any type of running motion I was envious of those who could and did.  By the time I was in my twenties I joked that someday I would be a runner, it was the dream that I thought I would never see happen.

Once I joined Bootcamp and I had no choice but to run I decided to attempt my dream.  As the block became easier, the weather got warmer and my iPhone became the love of my life, I decided to take the big step.  I purchased the Couch to 5K app and changed my life.  The success I felt after every run, a little farther each day, a little faster each week, supplied me with the desire to continue.

Although my pace is still on the slow side, I can run for miles without getting winded, without my legs feeling like jelly, and with a sense peace.  I spent the summer improving my 5k run and successfully completed my first 5km race 6 months after I set my goal to take the step and become a runner.

Now I look forward to the me time I get on a run, the satisfaction of achieving small goals on a regular basis and the confirmation that my body can do anything I put my mind to.  I not only found something I enjoy, I developed a new I don't want to break!

Friday, 31 May 2013

21 Days to Change a Habit

Nothing in life comes easy.  It takes time and energy to make actions a habit, even good ones.  Bad habits are simply choices we make every day, choices that usually make life easier or simply because they are more convenient.  The best thing is the fact that habits can  be changed!

A few months into my journey it was obvious that my body needed to be treated better than I have been for the past 20 years.  I know that diets are not for me, when I found a challenge posted on Pinterest I thought I could adapt it and make it work.

They say that it only takes 21 days to change a habit, so for 21 days  I made a choice to follow this challenge and to see how it went.  There is no denying it, it was very hard.  The willpower it took to not give in was insane, without the support of my coworkers and family I don't think I would have made it.  I made sure I shared my challenge, invited others to join me and encouraged a network of people who would help me stay on task.

21 days went by, my body felt better than ever, my confidence was soaring, my willpower was stronger then ever!  21 days, only 3 weeks, less then 1 month and  under 1/12 of a year.  One big change, one small amount of time...what habit would you tackle?

Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Biggest Loser

There is nothing more supportive than a group of people who share similar interests and goals.  Not long after I started my transformation, at the beginning of my addiction, I joined the Biggest Loser challenge at work.  A group of teachers who decided to attempt to get a little healthier.

Although our goals were small having a group of people who attempted to eat healthy without judgement and who compared completed exercise was encouraging.  All too often, attempts to get healthier results in comments not meant to be rude and disheartening but they feel that way.  Comments about diets and weight are sensitive issues for most people.  

It is crazy to realize that eating healthier and working out are not just acceptable ways to live to the average person.  To a person not on the path to becoming heathier, changing your diet means you must be on a radical diet that won't work.  Working out is usually viewed as a short term activity that won't last past the desired time of weight loss.  It is because of these preconceived attitudes and comments that most changes don't last.

I never thought I would be as happy as I was when I was titled the "JMSS Biggest Loser"...the prize pot was worth it too!

If you are serious about making changes to improve your health, start off by surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded people.  Your attitudes, behaviours and success will improve at a much faster pace!  

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Addiction, a noun, the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing or activity.

I have always attributed the word "addiction" to a negative occurrence.  Something that restricts, a disease or an undesirable behaviour.  After 6 short weeks of experiencing the highs and lows of intense physical activity I quickly came to realize that my Bootcamp habit was also an addiction, and although annoying to others, this was not a cause for concern.  

Although I wasn't all that keen about the fear and anxiety I experienced every time I drove up to the building, I couldn't match the high I felt on the drive home when I realized I had once again pushed past my perceived limitations and accomplished another physical feat.  Who would have guessed that this simple activity would actually get me out of bed in the morning.  I learned to like waking up for a 6 am butt kicking!  

My life, although not perfect, is much better thanks to my Addiction.  This is one habit I can't see myself kicking anytime soon!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The Beginning of my Discovery

It was about 2 years ago now when I think I was at my lowest. I was extremely frustrated and  unable  to find a good reason why I was so unhappy.  I appeared to have it all.  I had a great career, a long standing marriage, two beautiful children and was involved in any way I could imagine.  I constantly struggled to figure out what I actually liked, what made me happy and how to make everything seem ok.

As per a 20 year norm, I tend to fall into a negative, depressive state during the cold winter months.  however, despite warmer weather, more physical activity and time with friends, I just couldn't seem to shake the unwanted winter blahs.  As the summer approached and the thought of extra spare time to sit around and dwell on my unhappiness loomed, I took the advice of a good friend and agreed to spend 6 weeks with her,having my butt kicked at Blair's Bootcamp, where she had been a member and bragged about how great she felt going.  I will be honest, I entered into this 6 week challenge wanting to fail, just to prove to her that I was hopeless, beyond out of shape, and not mentally capable of change.  

That first session she dragged me to was the worst.  We started with a light jog around the block, fail...I didn't make it out of the parking lot before I had to stop and catch my breath.  As the torture continued I tried to keep up,  on the outside I looked like I was dying, on the inside my brain was happy...I was proving exactly what I wanted, I was a failure.  As the class went on, I did what I could but ended up quitting just over the half way mark.  I stood on the sidelines trying to regain my composure and taking a good look around.  It was a place where people were putting all they had out on the line, with no cares how they looked, how much they sweat, or how fast they went.  As I watched, I started to change my thinking.  When the end of class came, the inspirational message at the end of class made me feel a little better inside.  The sense of family, health and happiness was hard to ignore.  As I walked away that day I told myself that during the next class I was  going to try just a little bit harder, last a few minutes longer.  

For the first few weeks of the program I struggled, I got nervous an hour before I left, I struggled to complete the workouts, I felt like my body was going to fall apart, but I didn't quit.  I pushed a little more each day.  I finally started walking away from each class feeling like things were changing, the feeling of being able to do things I couldn't a short while before made me satisfied and happy.  I became the annoying wife, describing in detail all the amazing things (normal for most people) that I could do.  I could keep up to the back of the group when we ran, I could do a few push-ups in a row, I didn't feel like life was ending after each activity we tried!  

At the start of the 6 week session I would have bet money that I would be a Bootcamp dropout, lead an unhealthy lifestyle forever and make life decisions that made no sense.  It didn't end that way at all, I wasn't even finished the first session when I had signed up for the next, praised them whenever I had the chance, and realized my body had magically started to transform in very little time. Aside from dropping a pant size, I gained confidence and began to promote a more positive image of myself.  Things were still not perfect, but overall things were looking up.  

It is amazing how the support from others, friends, family and strangers can make you change your view of the world.  I truly believe that finding this one activity I enjoyed put me in a better place, a physically and mentally improved version of myself.  It is amazing what 6 weeks can do for person.  

How would you change if you gave yourself 6 weeks to focus on yourself and step out of your comfort zone?

Monday, 27 May 2013

A reflection of myself

There is no truer reflection of yourself, then the honest words and actions of your child. As scary as this fact may be, it is the truth.

When I was eleven I assumed that everyone grew up, got married and had children.  When I was twenty one I still carried this belief.  I'm lucky I found a great man to marry and we produced two little sweethearts, but looking back, I still can't tell you why I personally wanted to have kids.

Kids change your life, they not only alter your habits but your personality as well!  Good or bad, children manage to provide large doses of love, excitement and frustration to your life.  Children bring creativity, excitement and magic back into the picture in large doses.  Children also are great mirrors.

I am a very proud Mom and have a feeling of success when people praise my children for their kindness, generosity and manners they exhibit in public.  I'm proud that between Darren, myself and our family and friends, we have managed to teach these two little beings how to respect and care for other people's feelings and belongings.

It is when the true reflections come out when I realize that all the quirks, annoyances and bad habits they have are also learned and developed by us as well.  The messy bedroom syndrome is totally my can I expect them to keep their room clean when I have the habit of dropping things where ever I please?  Why do I expect them not to ask for snacks right after dinner when they see me sneaking into the cupboard for square of chocolate?  Why do I expect them to not tease each other when my main form of communication is largely based on sarcasm?  I'm thanking this mirror effect right now...I've just come to the realization that usually my anger and frustration with them is because they are exhibiting traits I dislike about myself.

I guess a little reflection never hurt is to creating two happy, healthy, caring individuals while improving myself along the way!


Sunday, 26 May 2013

The 11 year old me.

There is nothing better than the feeling of seeing or doing something for the first time. Babies, toddlers and preschoolers see the world as something new every day.  As we get older we lose the wonder, the magic and the excitement.  I have decided to embrace my inner child, and to reflect on my current life based on my 11 year old self.

At 11, my life revolved around school, talking on the phone, hanging out with friends and attempting to be active.  I loved to sit on the swings and enjoy the silence.  I was so excited when I got to bike around the country block by myself.  Successfully spending hours on the phone with friends and not getting interrupted by business calls was a cause for joy.  Improving my skating skills and attempting to keep up to my friends and their sports was a way to pass a lot of the time. 

Age 11 for me was a wonderful time.  I had trust and freedom.  I had no major responsibilities.  I had big ideas that would change the world.  I had aspirations of greatness.  I had dreams of a perfect future.  I had creativity.  By 12, reality began to set in.

At age 11 I dreamed of a future where I could talk on the phone where ever and when ever I my car, at the store, riding my bike in a park.  I actually don't know anyone who didn't think this was a good idea at the time.  My 11 year old self would be overjoyed to know that I not only can make and take calls anywhere, there really isn't anything my phone can't do or help me do!

At age 11 I wanted to hang out with my friends 24/7, heading home after a play date or hanging up the phone to go to bed was so disappointing.  My 11 year old self would be amazed that I can hold multiple conversations with friends on many platforms any time of the day, regardless of distance between us or time spent apart.

At age 11 I wanted to run the 1500m race at track and field, play volleyball on the school team, have a perfect skating routine and bike anywhere I wanted to.  For most of my life this didn't seem very realistic.  With a push from people I love, my 11 year old self would be proud to know I play whatever sport I want to, I can run for long distances, my golf game isn't half bad and I'm currently in the best shape of my life.

At age 11 I wanted to be a guidance counselor, be married and have 2 kids.  I'm pretty confident my 11 year old self would be proud of me for making those dreams come true.

I think I'm going to harness my inner 11 year old  and imagine some more crazy inventions, set some new goals and  dream some new dreams...although you never know what the future holds, without a destination it is kind of hard to jump on the path!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Who am I?

Who am I?  A question that I have reflected on at many points in my life.  Who we become is based on so many events, factors and influences that pinpointing the source is virtually impossible.

When I was a child, my definition of myself was based on the values shared by my family members.  Activities and events beyond my control helped to shape my interests, the way I spent my time and the social activities I participated in.  As a child, our parents try hard to get us involved, interest us in activities and to teach values they think we need to thrive.  At this point I had not yet had a chance to discover who I was.

As a teenager, my definition of myself was based on my friends.  Although my family was always there for me, as a teen, the opinions and attitudes of my friends held more weight.  Actions, involvement and decisions were made based upon what was cool, acceptable and expected.  As a teenager my activities and involvement was dictated by the peer group I associated with at the time.  At this point I was too busy trying to fit in to discover who I was.

As a young adult, my definition of myself was based on expectations of my chosen path.  Although friendship and family was still important in my life, there were big expectations to complete schooling for my given career, to settle down and to focus on the rest of my life.  I was too busy studying, working, and securing a mate that I never had a chance to discover who I was.

As a young married woman, my definition of myself was based on the expectations of a wife.  Now friendship, family, and a career were important, but so was the desire to be a good wife and to create a solid future for my family.  With the focus on doing everything right, and in the right time frame, I didn't have a chance to discover who I was.

As a young mother, my definition of myself was based on the expectations of being a provider.  Friendship, family, a career, a marriage were all still important, but the need to provide for others 24/7 was an unavoidable fact.  I was too busy "doing it all" that I never had the time to discover who I was.

After a few bouts of depression I decided something had to be done Thanks to the amazing support of my husband, my children, family and friends, I put myself on the path to figure out Who I am.  I'm hoping my journey can be an inspiration to others.