There is no truer reflection of yourself, then the honest words and actions of your child. As scary as this fact may be, it is the truth.
When I was eleven I assumed that everyone grew up, got married and had children. When I was twenty one I still carried this belief. I'm lucky I found a great man to marry and we produced two little sweethearts, but looking back, I still can't tell you why I personally wanted to have kids.
Kids change your life, they not only alter your habits but your personality as well! Good or bad, children manage to provide large doses of love, excitement and frustration to your life. Children bring creativity, excitement and magic back into the picture in large doses. Children also are great mirrors.
I am a very proud Mom and have a feeling of success when people praise my children for their kindness, generosity and manners they exhibit in public. I'm proud that between Darren, myself and our family and friends, we have managed to teach these two little beings how to respect and care for other people's feelings and belongings.
It is when the true reflections come out when I realize that all the quirks, annoyances and bad habits they have are also learned and developed by us as well. The messy bedroom syndrome is totally my can I expect them to keep their room clean when I have the habit of dropping things where ever I please? Why do I expect them not to ask for snacks right after dinner when they see me sneaking into the cupboard for square of chocolate? Why do I expect them to not tease each other when my main form of communication is largely based on sarcasm? I'm thanking this mirror effect right now...I've just come to the realization that usually my anger and frustration with them is because they are exhibiting traits I dislike about myself.
I guess a little reflection never hurt is to creating two happy, healthy, caring individuals while improving myself along the way!
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