Monday, 3 June 2013

Music...Feel it!

There is nothing worse than a bad mood that won't pass, a crappy attitude that follows you through the day or an overwhelming feeling of sadness.  When life has you down there is no easier way to shift the mood then with the right music.

I've used music for most of my life to shove my emotions into, and to sing my issues away.   A solid playlist can take anger down to a simmer, a crappy attitude to optimism and sadness to a sense of peace.  I currently have a few playlists on my phone exactly for that reason.  When I'm angry the list includes songs that verify my anger and slowly simmer me down to a sense of calmness.  When I'm sad the songs allow me to belt out my sadness and work my way up to upbeat happy songs.  When I'm lazy, the playlist provides me upbeat, dance along kind of songs to get me rejuvenated and happy.

One of the best things we have worked hard to incorporate into the kids lives is an appreciation of music.  The kids beg for the music to be louder, they both love to sing and dance.  In fact, I've learned over time that I shouldn't attempt to wake my children up in the morning.  All I really need to do is get up, crank the party tunes and hit the shower.  By the time I'm out of the shower the kids are up, getting dressed and dancing.  We don't fight in the morning, we dance our way to the kitchen for breakfast and hit the morning with happiness!

Music and my children are two things that can always bring me out of a bad mood.  The best thing is when the two combine and teach me something important.  I'm suggesting the next time you are feeling down and out, blast the tunes and take a page out of Maddux's book...Sing and Dance Like No One is Watching!

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