Friday, 7 June 2013

A Life Worth Living

Life can pull you in many directions.  Goals and dreams are great to have, but sometimes reality tends to get in the way.  Choices we make can affect how we get involved in our own life, and the lives of those closest to us.  Expectations that others have for you sometimes make us choose paths we are not completely comfortable taking.

All too often, when the path is muddy or unclear, the pressure and stress we feel can overwhelm us.  This stress can affect our health and more importantly our happiness.  Anyone who has ever been encouraged to do things they we not comfortable with or to be involved in activities that they don't truly enjoy will be able to relate to the heavy feelings and general unhappiness that goes along with it.  

Not that long ago, a wise friend reminded me that it was, in fact, ok to be happy.  It is acceptable to be completely  satisfied with how our lives are progressing and how the events that are unfolding, despite anyone else's opinions or beliefs. We don't always need to feel like we must impress others, involve ourselves in everything and as a result pass by the happiness that simplicity can bring.

I'm beginning to realize that the key to my happiness is simply doing things that make me happy!  Finding my interests, setting my own goals and not caring how unrealistic  or crazy they may seem to others is my new priority.  It is ok to have a successful career, a life full of great friends, and an amazing family.  It is also acceptable to be overly accommodating, obsessive compulsive, health obsessed and a tad bit wacky.  Without these traits I don't think I could continue my path down this crazy road called life, on track to a life worth living.  

Be your biggest fan, the world is full people who want to bring you down to validate themselves.  Just remember, anyone who works to bring you down is simply rock on your path.  Keep on walking and tell yourself "It is great to be me...I deserve to be happy!"  What would you do to be happy if the opinions of others were not a concern? 


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