Saturday, 25 April 2015

It's Perfectly Fine to Be Me...

I've learned a lot about myself over the last few years.

I've tested my limits and realized I'm more capable than I thought I was. I've accomplished things at bootcamp, while running and when participating in other sports I never thought I could excel at.

I'm dedicated to things I put my mind to for work and at play. Proof in the way I step up to challenges in work and play.

My willpower does exist, at times I've given up sugar, alcohol and unhealthy eating for periods at a time.

I'm also healthier than I ever thought I would be.  I've proved to myself my body can be normal if I treat it well by eating healthy and working out.

Looking back,  I'm trying to remember why  I started on this path and what is going to push me further, past the limits I ever thought possible.

In 2012 I started working out, simply to prove that I wasn't healthy enough to do it, because that's what I was led to believe, that my body would never be normal or as capable as others.  Once I started, I quickly realized how good it felt and how capable I really was.  When I started to see success, weight loss and personal goals achieved, I started working harder to lose more and to reshape my body.  Once I was at a point I was happy with, I started telling myself it was just simply to be healthy, but that quickly turned into seeing if I could start to heal my body and push past the next set of goals I set for myself.

Today  I'm not sure exactly why I continue to do it, except for the fact I know how good I feel and how much I have changed and improved, mind and body over the last 4 years.

After all I've learned and all I've accomplished, why do I still feel like I have so far to go? Why can't I be happy with working hard?  Why do I fall back into unhealthy eating patterns when I know better?  How can I still hate parts of my body?

There are so many things I'm still trying to work thru...but the one thing I know, regardless of my flaws, my dreams and my goals; I'm never going to be "perfect" but it's perfectly fine to be me.

Friday, 24 April 2015

When to Break up with a Challenge

I'm very vocal about my love of a good challenge.  I've done so many over the past few years that I can hardly remember them all.  This year has proven to be no different.

This year alone, I gave up alcohol for 3 months, I've written a gratitude journal everyday since January, I gave up sugar for a month, I've meditated every day for a month straight and I did 10,000 steps everyday for 2 months straight.  It's kind of hard to believe it's only the end of April!

One of the biggest challenges I have is deciding when it is ok to break my streak.  Sometimes the decisions are easy, sometimes life just gets in the way.  A lot of stress, pressure and lack of routine broke my healthy habits this  month leaving me disappointed and relieved.  Disappointed because the healthy routines made me feel better, yet relieved because there are some days eating clean, not having a drink with friends or stressing out at 9pm when I'm a solid 5K away from my step goal.

As I begin to think about what I should put next on my challenge to do list, I'm trying to find a way to incorporate one that includes a little balance.  A challenge that puts a focus on my health and wellness goals that also allows me to live a little, to relax and to enjoy life. What kind of challenge can help me achieve my goals?