Some amazing things that have happened since I started doing this:
1. Difficult situations become easier - being thankful in advance for how the discussion or action will go has actually made the situation better. I'm not sure if it's my awareness of the issue in advance, or just plain magic, but the practice has actually help me in some difficult situations. I'm reminded the importance of give and take, of recognizing other people's viewpoints and accepting that my way isn't always the best way. I've had a few difficult situations diffused simply because I was able to separate myself from the situation to realize it wasn't personal and the other person honestly had valid points.
2. I'm attracting exactly what I'm seeking - writing and verbalizing my needs has not only provided me material objects, but support from people I never would have expected. I'm still curious how this magical practice works but it does! Every morning, as I think my way thru my schedule and am thankful in advance for opportunities, knowledge and support, I find it showing up where I least expect it. The most random situations have led me to information or people who have the material objects, information or support I needed, business meetings ending with health suggestions, social media contacts who have the item I'm searching for, tedious errands that put me in positions to meet someone new who knows something I needed to find out. It seriously has left me baffled and overwhelmed at times trying to put it all together.
3. Miraculous Health Improvements - thanks to all the support, knowledge and sharing I've had as described above, I ventured into an experiment. On a quest to fix my health problems, I practiced gratitude everyday. Thankful for the little things, like healthy food at meetings, opportunities to talk to people who share my issues and finding support in the most unexpected places, I never expected to happen what has occurred over the last couple weeks. After an intense attack, I decided it was time to get back to basics and figure this problem out. A friend randomly started talking about a lifestyle change she was having success with, she was so adamant she had never felt better, I decided to try a modified diet. I attempted a juice cleanse to help eliminate whatever toxins were in my system at the moment, then I began introducing food one at a time. After a few immediate reactions I noticed a pattern. I'm not quite 2 weeks into this experiment and amazing things are already happening. Apparently processed sugar is my enemy, simply eliminating this from my diet has stopped symptoms I've experienced since my surgery 15 years ago! 5 days into the experiment and I stopped taking the one medication I've relied on regularly for the past 12 years. I'm now on day 13 and haven't had to take it yet. Now, I'm not perfect...I have my moments of weakness...after all...I'm a chocoholic! When I do have the symptoms after my moment of weakness, I'm reminded it isn't worth it! I'm feeling family isn't suffering from ridiculous diet change as all I've done is focus on natural food, life is amazing. All of this wouldn't of been possible with out the support I've gained from the people around me. The support I've found simply by being thankful in advance for finding the support I need.
I'm excited to see where the next few weeks take me. My post doesn't even begin to tell you how amazed I am with respect to this practice. Yesterday, it even brought me to mouth dropping amazement and happy tears! If at this moment you are even the slightest bit curious about what I've described, I have one suggestion for you...start with this walks you thru the 28 day gratitude challenge. I'm willing to bet you would start to notice the magic happening around you too. If you do take the challenge...I can't wait to hear how it affected you!
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