A while back I developed a system, when anyone asked me to do a race I simply responded,
"If I'm going to be crazy enough to run a half marathon, I'm going big, and until I'm ready I'm happy with what I can do right now". Well...that was my response until a few months ago when the response to my statement was "well...what's your definition of big?" Truly believing this was just a crazy and far enough away dream that it wouldn't actually ever happen I shared my dream of a Disney half Marathon. I mean, if I'm going to do it...who wouldn't want to run in the happiest place on earth, dressed as a princess???
Well...thanks to the amazing woman who called me out on my "big dream" and committed to coming with me...the time has come to step up to the plate.
The room is booked, the race entry paid for and in 6 short months we are on our way to Disney World. Just to ensure we are going big...we signed up for the Disney Glass Slipper Challenge. A 10K race on Saturday, followed by a Half Marathon on Sunday! I've made my plans, I'm committing to this goal and along the way I may just realize that yes its true, I may just actually be a runner!!
It's time to see what Dreaming Big can really do for me now!