Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Step 4: Surround yourself with Inspirational People

There is no better feeling in the world than being surrounded by people who make you feel good.  Kind words, smiling faces and emotional support can do wonders for a bad mood, a crappy attitude or a stressful situation.  What is even more amazing is that these inspirational people can be found right beside you or even online.

I've learned to surround myself with people I admire, who I respect and who I can learn a lot from. On top of my personal and professional relationships I've worked hard to expand my social circle.  My lifestyle change has not only given me a healthier body and mind, I've found a group of like minded people who push me and support me all day long, seven days a week.  Between time spent at Bootcamp and friendships via social media, I know a mood changer or inspiration is a smile or post away.  I've also developed a wonderful group of professional supports via social media as well.  I look forward to the things I learn, the interactions I have and the new friends I have made over the past few years.  

One of the best pieces of advice I can give anyone is simply to surround yourself with people who make you feel good and inspire you to be a better person.  Give back by spending time encouraging and appreciating those around you too, pay attention to how it makes you feel...I bet you will be amazed by how such a small thing can change your world for the better. 

What can you do to become that person who inspires someone else?

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Step 3: Listen to your Body

Even as I sit here beginning to type this, I'm embarrassed to admit that I struggle with this step!  After a wonderful run a week ago, I'm still feeling the effects of my bad decision making.  I went too far, unprepared and stubborn.  Then, to make mattes worse, instead of admitting I made a mistake, I went hard the next day to try and work out the kinks and pain I was dealing with.  

I'm always wanting more from myself.  I want to run further, last longer, try harder. I'm never fully satisfied with my accomplishments.  I have flaws!  Unfortunately it has taken a few days of cutting back, of listening to my achy body and to admitting my mistakes before I'm ready to accept the fact that listening to my body is one of the most important things I need to do.

I have big dreams, good goals and a long time to work on them.  I need to constantly remind myself that I can't accomplish any of them if I don't reward my hard work with relaxation, water and sleep!  That being said...I look forward to taking tomorrow off, to mediate, to hydrate, to spend with myself, my ice pack, a good book and the couch!  

I'm pretty sure I may need to be reminded of this step quite frequently.  Feel free to inquire about, and if necessary, to criticize my faults in this area as needed.  If you ask me how I feel and I deny or get defensive, chances are I'm guilty...I'm also smart enough to know this is the case!   Despite my apparent anger or frustration, I will secretly be thanking you for your concern and the reminder to listen to my body.  

I'm heading into the least active week I have had in a long time.  I look forward to coming back stronger and more determined then ever.  Given a chance to refresh, refocus and listen to your body...what are you going to do to make you a better version of yourself?

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Step 2: Do What You Enjoy

There is nothing better than finding time to spend on an activity that you enjoy.  Activities may vary based on your mood, the season or your current interests.  Over the years I have spent my "free time" in many different ways, reading, scrapbooking, card making, crocheting, playing board games, and surfing the internet.  In the last couple of years, if I'm handed a few hours of free time, you will most likely find me golfing, doing yoga or attempting a run.  

On Sunday, the weather was beautiful!  The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect and the afternoon was free.  From the moment I woke up, I couldn't wait to head out, just me and my tunes for an hour on the road.  I left home with the intention simply of spending an hour outside, running or walking, the day was simply about enjoying the changing trees and the music.  Approaching the turn for home I decided the day was simply too good to waste, so I headed out on a route I knew was at least another hour.  I ran, I walked, I stretched, I sang, I simply enjoyed being alone.  Eighteen kilometres later I arrived back home, a smiling, energized person.  Although the running may have taken a physical toll on my body, my mental state was amazing.  

Days later, reflecting back on my amazing Sunday afternoon is enough to make me smile and feel refreshed, despite the fact it still hurts to walk! This is proof to myself that a satisfied mental state is just as important as a fit physical body.  Given the day to do over, I'd make the same decision again.  Time spent doing what makes you feel good is never time wasted!

What would you do today if you had a couple hours to spare?

Monday, 4 November 2013

Step 1: Keep a Journal

It is Day 1 of my "Putting it All Together" challenge.  I've pre planned my day.  I know who has to be where, when they need to be there, I know what I'm cooking for dinner and I've included time for family fitness and fun.  Overall, despite being sore from my 18km run/walk I attempted yesterday, my day has been a success.  I do however owe a lot of my organization and success to technology.  My life is embedded with technology.  My phone and iPad are never far from reach and I have to give credit to these devices for the majority of positive changes in my life in the past few years. One of the most important things I've done with my technology is to change my habits and improve my life.  The best way I've gone about all the changes is simply to write things down.  I track my to do list, my moods, my goals, my finances and my fitness and my food intake.

Today I want to promote the act of keeping a  food journal.  Without my journal, I consume many unnecessary calories, especially when stressed, emotional or just plain bored.  There are lots of great applications on the market, however, pen and paper are good options too!   No matter what your method is, I guarantee that simply writing down everything you put in your mouth with make you second guess that 4th mini chocolate bar you slip in your mouth!  Try it even for a couple days, write down everything you eat, and if possible, make a note about how you felt during the day so later you can recognize patterns in your eating habits.

Aside from the food, and moods, is there any other important notes you should make in your journal?

Your Body Keeps An Accurate Journal

Sunday, 3 November 2013

A Year full of Challenges

Wow!  It appears as if it has been a long time since I've had time to get my thoughts down!  That doesn't mean it hasn't been a constant thought every night before bed.  I've contemplated where I wanted my thoughts to take me...what else I thought I had to share. I have officially come to the conclusion that as usual, sometimes I tend to over think things.

I have spent a lot of time this year involved in various challenges.  My winter healthier eating challenge, the spring meditation challenge, the spring gratitude challenge, the pre summer blogging challenge, the summer stress reducer challenge, the fall 10K challenge, the fall healthier eating challenge.  I guess my point is, that in the last 10 months I've successfully completed a lot of awesome programs that have given me proof that I am capable of a lot of things.

I'm ready to amp the end of the year up a bit now.  I have enrolled again in a meditation program, I am busier than ever in a physical sense, my healthy eating is getting better, I look forward to blogging more and heading into the Christmas season is the best time of the year to practice gratitude!  As a result, I'm going to take all of the wonderful things I learned and tried this year and I'm going to spend the next 2 months being the best that I can be.

I'm sure trying to embed these healthy living practices into my life may be difficult but I can't think of a better way to ring in the new year.  I'm happy to have others join in my journey, choose the parts you want and spend the next couple months reflecting and sharing the positive changes you are guaranteed to see!